In college, hosting gatherings at home is an easy, affordable way to build friendships. Some people may feel disinclined to host because of the limited space apartments and other student housing options offer. However, there are plenty of ways around this. You just have to get creative! Even if your apartment doesn’t have a ton of shared amenities, you can still create a wonderful experience for your guests.
If you plan on hosting a gathering in a shared apartment, there are several factors you should consider. Communicating with roommates, efficiently organizing your space, and planning appropriate activities are all important elements of planning the perfect small-space event.
If you live with roommates, it’s essential to communicate openly about your plans. Even though you have the right to host an event in your apartment, it’s respectful to check in with your roommates first. You don’t want to catch them off guard, and communicating your plans allows them to prepare and share their preferences to avoid conflict.
Even if you don’t intend to include your roommates in your plans, you should collectively agree on guidelines. Discuss ideal start and end times, the guest list, noise levels, and responsibilities (like set up and clean up). This transparency will help them plan their schedule accordingly, and if they are attending the event, it will h divide up the labor.
Student housing apartments can often feel cluttered if the furniture is not arranged strategically. While the layout of your common area might not seem like a problem when you’re at home with your roommates, it can be an issue when you have guests over. A poor layout has the potential to make small spaces feel even tighter.
Avoid this by moving your furniture around before the gathering. Focus on making each area of your apartment feel as open and inviting as possible. It will give everyone more room to enjoy themselves. Having multi-functional furniture, like a sofa that doubles as storage, helps save even more space.
There are countless creative solutions to maximize your space. Instead of getting shelving units, for example, you could try installing floating shelves. These take up much less space while still giving you somewhere to store your belongings. Finding similar storage hacks will help optimize your space long after the event is over.
Food is a common part of any gathering, and you may want to offer it to your guests. Preparing food before your guests arrive is recommended, as it will free up space in the kitchen. It will also allow you to be fully present with your visitors.
It’s best to avoid dining situations that require a lot of space. For example, if you’re hosting a large crowd, it might be challenging to dine around a table with place settings and chairs. Instead, you could offer finger foods or set up a small buffet area. This might seem a little informal, but finger foods can still be beautifully arranged, and your guests can eat whenever they’re hungry.
Entertaining your guests is an important part of hosting an event. Within a small apartment, deciding on fun activities can be a struggle. You may feel like there isn’t enough space to do anything, but that’s far from true. There are plenty of entertaining things to do in an apartment, including:
There are numerous ways to entertain your visitors if you think outside the box and incorporate a bit of technology. Be sure to plan these activities ahead of time so you can decide how to best arrange your space. As long as you keep your guests’ preferences in mind when planning, you’ll have a great time.
Hosting lively and meaningful events at home is possible–even if you live in a shared apartment. At NorthPoint, we offer some of the most spacious student housing in the Rexburg area. Our stunning amenities make it possible to host a variety of events should you choose to take the fun outside your apartment. Contact us today to schedule a tour!